
It is distilling round bottom flask with angled side neck.It is a two neck flask with taper outer joints.It’s side neck is angled.It is manufactured from low extractable heat resistant boro-silicate glass.It comes in various capacities.It has standard taper joint at center and it also has a standard taper joint at side.It has a outer diameter which can vary according to requirement of the buyer.It is used for distillation purposes. It is available in standard wall for more rapid heating or heavy duty for mechanical shock resistance.It comes in all sizes which are hand blown from tubing to ensure uniform thickness.It has a glass stop-cock. The stopcock is a constant pressure retention device.It has a heavy wall.It is also useful for simple storage and simple reactions. It has a standard taper outer joints on both the center neck and the angled side neck.

It is used as a Laboratory glassware mostly for chemical and biochemical work. Its sizes are usually inscribed on glass. The ends of the necks are usually conical ground glass joints. They are standardized. Because of the round bottom, cork rings are needed to keep the round bottom flasks upright. When in use, round-bottom flasks are commonly held at the neck by clamps on a stand. they allow more uniform heating and boiling of liquid. For a reflux set-up, a condenser is typically attached to the middle or only neck of the flask being used. Additional necks on a flask could allow a thermometer or a mechanical stirrer to be inserted into the flask contents.

